Beat The Wind & Rain

Beat The Wind & Rain

Wind and Rain Outfit collage


We had a glimmer of sunshine but it looks like the wind and rain is back and here to stay for a while. Urgh. However, rather than wallow in the things we have no control over, let's see how we can style it out...


Here are our top tips for dressing for the typical English weather.


1. Get a good rain coat. There are lots on the market, however we like one which has a trench coat look to it so, as well as being practical, it also has a bit of shape to it. 

2. Go for a shoe with a chunky sole. We have all been there when you miss a puddle or step on a loose bit of pavement and before you know it, you're a walking puddle! If you want to level it up, we recommend a leather biker boot so your ankles are also protected and the rain falls off the leather rather than being absorbed into the fabric.

3. Now for trousers, skirts, dresses, whatever you choose to wear on the bottom half, make sure it is slightly cropped so it doesn't hit the floor. As much as we love floor length, let's face It is no fun walking round with water creeping up your legs!

4. Rain coats don't tend to be particularly thick or warm so you'll need to layer up underneath. They are usually quite spacious and better to be oversized so you can fit a nice chunky knit to keep you warm.

5. For the girls (I am one) whose hair frizzes just looking at a drop of rain, having a hat on hand is key. A cap, beanie, anything just to keep it hidden away until you are safely indoors works wonders. I like to double up with the raincoat hood as well for double protection. 

6. Side note, to the one above, I always like to have a hair tie on me in case I do get caught out and rather than rocking the frizz I can then get it out of my face and looking vaguely respectable. A statement one also helps to distract from other sins you want to hide. 

7. The handbag, as with the shoes, we always opt for leather so the rain doesn't absorb into it and you can wipe off any droplets easily. We also try not to carry too big a bag on wet days so you can keep it tucked away and also move around quicker because who wants to linger in that weather! 



Cover Image via @pinterest

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